Shih Hsin University, known for its exceptional education, has yet another innovation that held its grand reveal today (December 25th, 2021). This smart studio is a space equalling 470 square meters and is equipped entirely with Hollywood’s latest technology. After much hard work, it has finally been put to use. Today, through the co-production of students and teachers, the short film “The Future of You” also premiered. Not only did the release invite Dora, an actress who played a policewoman in the Netflix drama, “The Beginning of Hua Deng,” to host, but Li Xinbang, producer of “Taiwan X-Files” at 8 o’clock, along with the main actors of this show– Wang Shangfei and Lin Zhiyun– who are Shih Hsin alumni, and TVBS heroine Yang Qing, as well as others, also appeared at the opening ceremony to consider the possibility of cooperation. The initiative that Shih Hsin University is taking to invest in the future creates a glow of hope for the continued growth of the school despite the low birthrate, as well as proves that Shih Hsin can be a key player in boosting the domestic film industry through new technology and revising the process of production.

The inventive filming location named “LVS” (LED Virtual Studio) is composed of 2256 LED panels of a P2.6 level that are combined to make a 270 degree ring backdrop. Above the giant half-ring shaped screen hangs the sky screen, with a width of 15 meters and height of 6 meters. Not to mention, it is also equipped with a 10×10 m2 LED canopy with real-time image-tracking equipment, which blows the capabilities of a green screen studio out of the water, as green screens have to depend on post-production in order to create a scene. However, with the LVS being equipped with realistic light sources, color, image reflections, and more that can be equipped in real-time, it in turn shortens the process of production and provides actors with an immersive experience.

This technology was pioneered by “Lucasfilm,” which has successfully produced the Star Wars series, also launched Star Wars’ first TV program, “The Mandalorian” using this technology at the end of 2019 through its parent company, Walt Disney Pictures. “The Mandalorian” won 7 Emmy awards in a single swoop. In the past 2 years, due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), the best solution for film shooting when international travel is not possible has been new technology, making this new innovation a favorite in Hollywood.

President of Shih Hsin University, Wu Yongqian, emphasized at today’s opening ceremony that looking from the perspective of the global film and television industry, the LED Virtual Stage is far greater than simply changing the shooting skills– from script creation, production management, financial models, software design and application, marketing promotion, and even intellectual property management– the traditional methods of film production must be altered in order for the success of new technology. Each of the four colleges at Shih Hsin University are related in some way, which ties into Shih Hsin’s belief that, “digital communication runs through all disciplines, and data intelligence is combined with all majors.”

Zhou Chenghu, chairman of Shih Hsin University, visited the United States two years prior and saw the technology used to produce “The Mandalorian.” He realized that this would be the future of the mainstream film industry, so he decided to introduce it to Taiwan. Wu Yongqian said that by letting students learn and practice the marketing trends in advance allows students to be prepared, feel inspired, and think creatively, which will allow them to project more prosperity and innovation into their future and society. By learning these skills and becoming more well-rounded individuals, the possibility for students to be able to be hired immediately after graduation is drastically increased.

The short film “The Future of You,” which premiered today, tells a story of a traveler who has long traversed outer space, and after 100 years, is prepared to return home. Chen Xuesheng, director of the Shih Hsin Omni Media Center, said that this experimental film brought together teachers from three different departments, including the Department of Graphic Communications and Digital Publishing, Department of Digital Multimedia Arts, and Department of Radio, Television, and Film. The director of the work, Professor Li Shaozhe of the Department of Radio, Television, and Film, said that Shih Hsin’s early deployment of this new technology will continue to inject more vitality into Taiwan’s film industry.
The initial opening of the LED Virtual Stage has attracted massive amounts of attention from the film and television industry. Many film and television companies as well as directors have scheduled to visit Shih Hsin in the near future to check out Shih Hsin’s innovative filming center. Starting from the next semester, Shih Hsin will also open 11 related courses to cultivate more internationally competitive students. Teachers include: Li Shaozhe (lecturer from the Department of Radio, Television, and Film), Li Wuzheng (lecturer from the Department of Radio, Television, and Film), Liu Naiwei (assistant professor of the Department of Graphic Communications and Digital Publishing), Zheng Xufeng (assistant professor of the Department of Journalism), Zhang Enguang (lecturer of the Department of Digital Multimedia Arts), and Qiu Zihang, (assistant professor of the Department of Digital Multimedia Arts), all who have rich, practical experience in their majors and the professional abilities to connect students to the industry-leading trends.

Shih Hsin University President Wu Yongqian, leads the supervisor, VIPs, and crew in holding the opening ceremony for the LVS LED Virtual Stage.

Wu Yongqian, President of Shih Hsin University, says that the new filming center will aid in cultivating talents for the film and television industry.

The opening ceremony for the innovative filming base at Shih Hsin University. From left: artist You Xiaobai, Vice President of Shih Hsin University Liao Hongtu, Vice President Chen Qinghe, President Wu Yongqian, Vice President Yang Shengyu, Shih Hsin alumni artist Wang Shangfei, and artist Lin Zhiyun.

The Shih Hsin faculty and student crew work in unison to shoot a futuristic space travel short film at the “LVS Smart Filming Base.” The picture shows Li Shaozhe, a teacher from the Shih Hsin Radio, Film, and Television Department.

The interior of the “LVS Smart Filming Base” of Shih Hsin University. The image shows a frigid, snowy, Russian winter night.

Shih Hsin University’s “LVS Smart Filming Base” covers an area of 470 ping and introduces Hollywood’s latest technology to Taiwan.

The “LVS Smart Filming Base” has faculty from various departments such as: the Department of Radio, Television, and Film, the Department of Journalism, the Department of Graphic Communications, and the Department of Digital Media. The programs held at LVS will run through the four colleges. Image shows, from the left: Assistant Professor Zheng Xufeng of the Department of Journalism, Assistant Professor Qiu Zihang of the Department of Digital Multimedia Arts, Director of the Omni Media Center Chen Xuesheng, Assistant Professor Liu Naiwei of the Department of Graphic Communications and Digital Publishing, and Lecturer Li Wuzheng of the Department of Radio, Television, and Film