▩ Outer Circle
Shih Hsin University was founded as Shih Hsin School of Journalism. The outer circle of the school’s emblem represents the “world”, symbolizing its aspiration to keep up with the trend of the globe.
▩ Pen
A writing implement is an indispensable tool for a journalist. The school’s founder, Mr. She-wo Cheng, made his pen an instrument for justice throughout his lifetime. He insisted on the idea that "a man of integrity should remain virtuous in wealth, steadfast under intimidation, and incorruptible in poverty." The journalist’s pen has become the highest spiritual symbol for the school.
▩ The oval surrounding the outer circle
The oval surrounding the outer circle of the school’s emblem represents ever-changing communication technologies, communications and information networks, announcing the school’s educational goal of creating a full-communication environment.
▩ The three lines extending from the oval
The three lines extending from the oval stand for an educational ideal of integration of knowledge, virtue, and strength. The lines possess a far-reaching meaning, expressing the school's mission of educating well-rounded professional talents with the bold new 21st-century perspectives and ideas.